Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In this third grading period, I learn a lot about webpage. By making a exercises and making lot of webpage background and background color. I also learn how to make a webpage of mine by using any designs and any style. Its up to you if you want to make your webpage a simple or much decorations. We also make our own biography so that we can place that in our own webpage. I also learn that even you have no internet unless you finish your webpage so that you can see if there is an error or wrong in your webpage. We've also teach by our teacher how to make our own web designs and how to make our webpage more beautiful.
This is all what I've learn by now in our class or simplify it just a reflection.....

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. Obviously, you learned a lot. Maybe that is because you are industrious with regards to your studies. You should keep it up! Good luck! Happy graduation...c:
